Vera’s pursuit for healthier aging

Navigating life in her 30s, Vera was not just seeing wrinkles and grey hair. She also had more stress and less sleep & energy.

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Vera’s pursuit for healthier aging

Navigating life in her 30s, Vera was not just seeing wrinkles and grey hair. She also had more stress and less sleep & energy.

She tried various natural products for all these issues but nothing seemed to give real, lasting results. Reluctant to try harsher treatments, Vera felt stuck between natural and result-oriented solutions.

Building VEDIC LAB® with leading doctors

Vera was excited to share these secrets with her friends back home in Switzerland, but realized there was a need to bring clinically proven science to Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom.

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Building VEDIC LAB® with leading doctors

Vera was excited to share these secrets with her friends back home in Switzerland, but realized there was a need to bring clinically proven science to Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom.

And what better than Swiss clinical science to do this! So, along with a remarkable team of doctors & scientists, Vera and Shivi began to build VEDIC LAB®: the most clinically advanced Ayurvedic brand in the world.

VEDIC LAB® Philosophy

Much like eating well and exercising to maintain your health, beautiful
skin comes from consistency.

The same goes for self-care, which shouldn’t be an afterthought.

We believe the connection between person and product isn’t a
once-in-a-while ritual.

Consider it habitual.

At VEDIC LAB®, we are dedicated to unlocking the clinical science of nature, encapsulated in Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom. We develop path-breaking, innovative science and apply it holistically to deliver truly visible age-reversal.

Our team believes in transparency and recognizes our responsibility in caring for the planet. Most of all, we work with a drive to deliver unmatched quality in all that we do.

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Natural wisdom

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clinical science

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well being

HQ in Zug Switzerland

Globally headquartered in the beautiful alpine town of
Zug, renowned for its innovation ecosystem, VEDIC LAB®
is the flagship brand of Swiss EcoNaturals.